
InsiteXccelerator (IX) by InsiteHub is an NIH funded program to foster biomedical entrepreneurship in Delaware, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. The IX program has two tracks, Education and Pilot. Both tracks provide tailored education for biomedical entrepreneurship, and the Pilot track additionally includes mentorship and up to $25,000 in funding to accelerate biomedical innovations towards patient impact.

Pilot Track Application

Teams interested in the Pilot Track must submit a proposal targeted at de-risking the technology or product under development. It is expected that by addressing a critical technical uncertainties though targeted experiments at this early stage, a venture team would proceed with greater confidence on their development pathway and be more successful in obtaining SBIR, STTR, or other funding. IX anticipates selecting 3-5 teams for the cohort.

Beyond the proposed research, teams are required to complete in the educational material provided by IX and meet with mentors to help apply the learnings to their specific venture.


  • The team must be located in one of the following states: DE, ME, NH, RI, VT

  • The proposal must utilize intellectual property owned by the host institution (e.g., a university, research institute, or hospital)

  • One of the team’s members must be an eligible principal investigator for the host institution

  • The proposal must be towards commercialization of a biomedical product/innovation

Proposal Considerations:

  • Award amounts should not exceed $25,000 in total costs (including indirect costs, capped at 20%)

  • 3-5 pilots will be awarded

  • The project period should not exceed 6 months

  • The proposed research must be towards specific tasks that derisk the technology towards a commercial application

  • Confidential information should not be included in the application

Pitch Considerations:

  • Finalists will be selected for a 10-minute pitch with 10 minutes of Q&A with the reviewers

  • Stay tuned for more details on the pitch, including timing

Criteria for selection:

  • Strength of value proposition

  • Clinical impact

  • Market potential

  • Strength of team

  • Research plan

  • Key deliverables to be achieved with the award grant


  • Proposal submission deadline:
    April 15, 2025, 11:59 PM EDT

  • Pitch selection: TBD

  • Award announcement:
    June 1, 2025

  • Anticipated project period:
    July 2025 to December 2025

Submit a proposal:


Email us at

InsiteXccelerator will engage and support early stage biomedical innovators to bridge funding gaps, improve market understanding, and discover new technology development resources.